Manage passes and accreditations for your event

  • Manage staff and guest access safely.
  • Manage permissions: only certain people will be able to access certain areas of the venue.
  • Validate passes and accreditation with Clappit access control.
  • Accreditation on private labels, with white lists or both combined methods.
  • Accreditation as pass or traditional ticket.
Manage passes and accreditations for your event

In a market where attention to detail and the differentiation of the services offered are increasingly important, Clappit has created a pass management system that allows organizers to solve the critical issues related to event passes.
With Clappit you can create passes for sporting events, concerts, shows, corporate events, meetings, conferences and fairs.

Not only for people (guests, staff) but also for parking or transport.

With Clappit, managing passes for the event online is very simple, thanks to the dedicated functions, which allow you to control the venue and manage the “behind the scenes” safe and practical.

Clappit's pass management system includes several features.

  • Passes can be customized with your logo or the event's logo in color, front and back.
  • You can import lists of names and photos and automate the creation process.
  • Clappit allows you to insert photos into the system or acquire them via webcam directly on the event site.
  • Passes can be used to manage access to certain areas of the venue. With the management of permits, it is sufficient to divide the venue into different areas, and customize the accesses for each single pass.
  • Passes can be printed on a common A4 sheet, laminated or enveloped.
  • Clappit access control also allows pass validation.

With Clappit it is possible to manage the accreditation for your event: for a corporate event, for press staff or VIP, accreditation for congresses and meetings, and much more.

Accreditations can be customized in layout and graphics, according to the will of the organizer. The event program can also be attached to the accreditation.
They are usually made in these formats:

  • Pass, also foldable to insert in a badge holder.
  • Ticket@home or dematerialized ticket.
  • RFID technology.

Attendees can register for the event in several ways.

  • Accreditation by private label. The user connects to the private label and registers independently.
  • White list. The organizer provides a list of names to send the accreditation to, Clappit sends a massive e-mail with the pass or ticket attached.
  • Hybrid. In this accreditation mode, the organizer provides the Clappit staff with a list of names, which are uploaded to the private label. A third party or the end-user can then connect to the private label, enter the e-mail address, find his name and download the ticket or pass.

Here is a practical example to better understand the features of hybrid credit.

A tire company organizes a conference to present a new product, and for each affiliated workshop it has made available 5 accreditations.
The company provides Clappit staff with a contact list, which contains the references of the directors and staff of the workshops. This list is then uploaded to the private label.
Subsequently it will be possible to proceed in two ways:

Each workshop is given the opportunity to independently carry out 5 accreditations on the private label.
The 5 names for accreditation are already entered on the private label. The single person or a representative (eg workshop secretariat) finalizes the accreditations. In the event of a change of name it will be possible to register a new person by entering the data from scratch.

Contact us for more information on passes and accreditations.


Accreditation, ticketing, fairs and passes management: download our brochure and discover the potential of Clappit.

Download the brochure

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