Full Ticketing with custom installation for major brands and top organizers of international events

Custom installation on the customer server, custom website, discover all the features of high-level ticketing service for major brands and international organizers.

Major brands and event organizers with wide attendance, high-level and structured international companies, require top Full Ticketing services able to allow maximum returns and business independence.

The Full Ticketing solution dedicated to major brands and top organizers is the maximum expression of ticketing service, for large companies which need resources and experiences to manage important clients in the ticketing, entertainment, sport or show business world.

Thanks to important acquired experiences, both in Italy and abroad, we are able to provide a dedicated and tailor-made offer for each type and size of company. The main features of our high-level solutions.

  • Consulting about right-sizing and configuration of servers.
  • Customized installation on customer servers.
  • Only for ticketing in Italy, activation of the system compliant to ticketing platform fiscal regulation.
  • Develop the sales portal, a responsive mobile website with look & feel, UI-UX customized with the client's brand.
  • Full Ticketing platform with all the functions provided by the system to achieve successful events and tailored experiences.
  • Training and periodic updates to be independent in event configuration and content management.
  • Support for further technological developments and third-party integrations.

This solution is dedicated to large companies that want to manage events in perfect style and autonomy, to be able to allocated resources to management, operations and marketing goals, rather than creating and managing a technological team with the aim of develop a complex proprietary platform.

A ticketing system requires important skills in many roles. Experts are required in terms of technology, systems, security, payment, web, mobile, UI-UX, legal, tax, as well as the knowledge of the dynamics of the ticketing sector.

As for the Italian ticketing market, show and entertainment ticketing systems are considered fiscal cash registers. Both system and selling mode must be compliant to event ticketing law and obtain a complex fiscal certification, issued by italian tax agency and the SIAE (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers).

How many time and economic resources, do you need to develop a Full Ticketing proprietary platform and concretely enter in the market?
For major brands and big event organizers our custom installation is the perfect and unique opportunity to get a Full Ticketing system to start selling shows and experiences with extraordinarily time and costs saving.

Our event platform take advantage of modern and updated development languages and offers high quality native feautures to expand on-line businesses.

  • Scalable, safe system for high performance for each event size.
  • Multi applications, to manage several websites and applications from a unique system.
  • Multi languages, to offer online events in all desired languages.
  • Multi currency, to manage and sell events in every country in the world.
  • Multi user, to fast manage and profile users and administrators.
  • Multi channel, to manage different channels and sales policies.
  • Integrated with all main Google web services: Search Console, Analytics, Ads, Maps, Shopping, News.
  • Integrated for managing pixels and conversion codes of advertising campaigns.
  • Integrated with Stripe, Banca Sella, Nexi, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Postepay, PayPal, Xpay, SDA, DHL.
  • Integrated with main social media platforms.

Tickets, packages, passes, visitor and hosts tracking, gamification, seats map, venue management.

Clappit has experience and skills to provide maximum support and consulting to managers of artists, production companies, fairs, exhibition areas, DJs, record labels, top sports and team brands.

Given the nature and size of this type of project and to guarantee the highest level of service in Italy or abroad, we limit the availability of custom installation to a short list of suitable company.

Contact us to request information about Full Ticketing custum installation


Accreditation, ticketing, fairs and passes management: download our brochure and discover the potential of Clappit.

Download the brochure

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