An expert organizer subject to SIAE Italian regulation should know very well the meaning of B.A. code, or local code because it is one of the mandatory data to be transmitted to the ticketing system, in order to start selling tickets online.
We can well understand, on the other hand, that an event organizer at first experience (or first experience in Italy) is not aware of all the requirements necessary to put tickets on sale, certainly absorbed by a long series of activities.
From a purely formal point of view, the local code or code B.A. is a 13-digit numerical code that identifies the place or the structure where an event takes place.
The code B.A. refer therefore to a small building, a theater, a stadium, etc. and it is the SIAE office, through their local offices, which deals with the census of all the venues dedicated to entertainment events.
It should be noted that the local code refers to the place where the event occurs, so in the hypothesis of a multiplex cinema, each screening room will have its own code B.A.
If an event organizer is not aware of the local code of his interest, he can contact the SIAE office to request it. But we must be very careful, the territorial competence refers to the place where the event takes place, not where the organizer or of the promoter company of the event is from.
Where you can find the code? In the event that the event organizer has already notified the competent SIAE of the official notification of the opening of the event, you can find the local code in the relevant form.
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